EA Williams wrote:
midnightsadie wrote:
we have coach net ,only because of the stories on here, I think when a person files a complaint on here and GS people step in to help ,they should post the out come of the complaint, with out knowing the out come how do we know if GS is better or worse than another company.
Nailed it!
Not necessarily. Where is the link to the other companies website so we can read the complaints or success stories there? I don't think there is one. GS is the only company that I know of where you can complain publicly if service is not up to your satisfaction, and often get something done about it.
As far as posting the outcome of the complaint, that is up to the individual. GS cannot do that.
Personally, I have had nothing but good service from my GSRA plan and suspect that the other companies that do road service have about the same amount of complaints and successes. The advantage here is that GS gives you a place to make your concerns known and often get some help after the fact.