tropical36 wrote:
HHg in Austin wrote:
As an FYI: My RV is stored in a covered storage facility with the tires setting on concrete, if we don't use it at least once per month for trips, I go to the storage facility and drive the RV approximately 50 miles at highway speeds and exercise the generator.
Might be time to rethink your allegiance to Michelin, like some other of their disciples have done and for keeping more money in the bank.
Absolutely fascinates me with how some people can be so addicted to a particular brand and I'm not just talking about tires here, either.
And according to your last post, you think Michelin should have replaced the 6 year old tires for free. You siad:
My question is to why a $745 tire had sidewall cracking in the first place? Also with what some consider to be a superior tire, including Michelin, would charge anything for replacing them."
Since you seem to have all of the answers, name one single brand that would replace 6 year old tires. I know of no brand of tire that offers a 6 year warranty, do you????
Enlighten us all with the brand of tire that you use that is so much better and offers a free replacement after 6 years, or even offer any kind of a deal at all, without knowing how you treated those tires in the last 6 years. :R