Bobalooie wrote:
opnspaces wrote:
How much power does the meter show? If the is no fuse, or the fuse is oversized you might have burned up the wire and only a few strands are left. This is enough to read 12 volts on a meter, but not carry any load. I would pull the outlet back out of the dash and check the connections for heat damage.
Actually thinking about it, I'll bet the fuse partially blew so they all still look good. Plug something in with an LED, and pull fuses until the LED goes out. Then replace that fuse.
Alright, finally found the fuse (it looked okay), replaced it, and still not enough power. The wires also appear to be fine. Now what?
How do you know this is the fuse for those outlets? Newmar had 2 places for the fuse for the dash outlets.
1. The outside Shore Cord compartment has a fuse block and fuses in that compartment
2. The Main outlet up front in the front hood access/ Your model I think had the large clear Plexiglas covered electrical box.
When your type problem happens(shows 12 volts but cannot transmit a load) most of the time it is a partially blown ATC fuse. Not totally blown. Just a small sliver still making contac. Putting a heavier load(at least 10 amps) will melt that small sliver and then show the blown fuse.
At this point, IF you are positive you have 12 volts pos at the outlet, run a separate ground to the ground of the outlet and see if your problem goes away. If so, run a new ground to those 2 outlets. Doug