Forum Discussion

psalm10720's avatar
Apr 28, 2014

1994 Brave Tank Indicators

New to this stuff but just ran out of propane and the indicator says it's full. Any sense in getting that fixed or just deal with it?
  • mine is hard mounted. Here's a helpful tip. When you determine you are out of propane make sure to turn stove off so that when you fill your tank and turn on the outside valve you won't be leaking LP into the coach. Lot's of lessons to be learned on these things... I have been living full time since March, 24. When filling it took 13.3 gallons on April 28. Refrigerator has been working well and spent most the time on LP. A hot shower at least once a day and dishes cleaned in the sink.
  • Sensors are unreliable....your best bet is to learn how often you need to fill propane, when the holding tanks need to be emptied or freshwater tank you camp in the MH you will get a sense for how often these tasks are needed.

    For propane tanks, some RVers tap on the tank, pour hot water on the tank or weigh the tank to determine the level. I just lift my tank to feel the weight, a light tank is near empty a heavy tank is full.