Forum Discussion

kharrell1972's avatar
Jun 14, 2022

1997 Holiday rambler Endeavor LE Ford 460

Just got a good deal (or so I thought) on this coach. On the way home, we stopped at a rest area for a few minutes. Once we stated back on the road the coach started hesitating really bad and would not get over 40. I managed to get a hold of a road side mechanic and actually got the unit to him. He says the exhaust is plugged up as he checked the back pressure. Likely the catalytic converter. However from what I have read that year f53 chassis doest have a cc. The unit rums absolutely fine unless under power and there is just nothing there. The brakes are pretty hard to get it to stop as well. Indicating an exhaust issue. If the there is is no cc on it what else could be causing a plug. The unit only has 15,000 on it and runs great! No back fire no jumping or missing just no power. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  • With an average of 600 miles a year that is a lot of sitting. I put 150 miles a year on my riding mower. Broken down another way, that is two trips a year of 150 miles. 150 out, 150 back. No engines do well with that little use, how much camping use, as in "we used it for the season at Bill's campground" is putting no time on the rolling parts.
    That old motor needs a top to bottom lookover as all that new stuff you are seeing was probably put on to impress you and make it look well taken care of. Have a trusted mechanic do a complete inspection of all the engine and chassis systems. When he is done you will know exactly where you stand.
    You now know what a "driveway guarantee" is. Good enough to get it off of the driveway.
  • It had not sat it was being used. It has all new belts fuel filters injectors plugs wires etc.. ran good until the issue after we stopped.
  • My first thought is that a 25-year old engine with only 15,000 miles on it has been sitting idle for a very long time. Personally, before driving it any more, I'd get it to a trusted mechanic to do a very thorough check. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find a myriad of dried seals and belts as well.