Forum Discussion

HeeHawHoney's avatar
Jan 22, 2013

1999 Jayco M-323

I am so excited, although, I don't want to get my hopes up too much. I've found a 1999 Jayco M-323 that has 56K miles on it and, from the pics, seems to be in outstanding condition. I'm coming to my friends, here on, to see what I should be on the lookout for. Other than, roof, leaks, obvious damage, generator, engine, and tires, what else should I look for before making an offer. The lady's husband recently passed away due to an unexpected even and she says she just wants it gone because it makes her sad seeing it every day. So, she is asking about $4K less than low NADA book value. This will be my first RV, and I don't want to get so excited about getting a good deal that I get good and taken and wind up with a money pit that I will regret as my very first RV. I'm going to see it in person on Saturday. Any advice, experiences, or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  • Snowdance, I have taken your advice and recruited my brother-in-law to go look at it with me. He has a 2013 Thor C Class and has owned several other campers over the years, is something of a perfectionist, and probably as close to an expert on the subject as anyone I would be able to find. In talking to him about it today, he has already suggested checking the water heater, the refrigerator, the inverter, and has the necessary tools and an extra battery to take with us so that we can check the generator and a 5 gallon can of gasoline. The lady had already said that the generator either had a dead battery or there was not enough gas in the tank to get it to crank, she wasn't sure which, but said that it worked the last time they used it. Mike, I don't guess I'm following your train of thought. I'm not sure what I'm trying to prove or disprove, but thanks for the tip. I want this to work out so bad. I'm so happy I could just bounce around like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh!!
  • From the owner, get the date of her husband's passing and what he died from. Then try to crosscheck somewhere to either prove or disprove. Just a thought.
  • Welcome to the group. Sounds like you have found an intresting rig. Would take some one along that know some thing about Class C's if you can. Try to spend some time under it looking for oil leaks ect. And check what works and needs work. But reading your post seems you have a grip on the things you need to check.. Good luck.