Forum Discussion

mrsswiggy's avatar
Jan 22, 2015

2006 Damon Daybreak 3270 Electrical issues

The slide stopped working on our Damon. At first we thought it was a slide issue, but after learning that the front television won't turn on either we think it might be an ignition issue. Those 2 things won't work when the ignition is turned on so we think there might be an electrical fault. Now that we *may* have figured that out we need to know how to fix it. Does anybody have any ideas or help? Preferably with pictures. We're newbies here. :)
  • Update: After reading some other forums I realized I had not checked ALL the fuses. I've checked all the interior fuses (the ones under the bed and the dash), but I have not checked all the ones under the hood. I'll post after I do that. Pray that's the problem!
  • The slide and TV will not work with the ignition off. At this point I have to assume it is the ignition interlock. Thanks for all the suggestions! I've checked all the fuses and now I guess I've got to start checking wire connections. I'm going to start at the TV and follow the wires from there. Thanks!
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Damon does have an interlock for the slides as well, Ignition on Slides disabled., Awning should auto retract, steps will not remain out but should follow door (NOTE: they will not retract when you start the MH, but will when you open/close door with motor running, and yes, I do know why).

    There is a fuse, I ***THINK*** it is in the battery control center but it might be in one of the two vehicle fuse blocks. Likely the main one.
  • TV is 110v and slide is 12v and probably have different relays so I think you are right. Just pick one and follow power back. My guess is 110v for TV would be easiest to trace. Maybe someone with same problem will comment.
  • As stated the front TV and slides are not supposed to operate with the ignition on. Do they work with the key off?
  • Our 2006 Damon has an ignition interlock for both the TV and the slide.

    I have never had this problem before so have no experience but my time be coming so your post holds a special interest for me.

    As with all electrical problems start with the basics. Check all the fuses. Clean the battery connections. You could maybe try disconnecting the chassis battery under the hood and see if it will operate on the coach battery.

    I read a trouble shooting article from a slide manufacturer once that said 90% of all slide and leveler problems are due to a bad ground. Check all the grounds.

    Our slide has a key in the panel with the tank gauges that has to be in the on position for the slides to work. Try wiggling the key while holding the slide button, try the same with the ignition key.

    That's why we love motorhomes so much, no end to the tinkering.

    Keep trying every connection possible. If you can diagnose the problem before you go to the repair shop you can save yourself hours of billable shop time.

    Please update your post when you find the problem.

    Good luck!
  • I am not sure about the slide, but normally there is an interlock so that the front TV will not work when the ignition is on. Possibly an interlock for the slide also so that it does not extend when traveling down the road. There are laws about the driver being able to see a TV screen when driving. JMO