Forum Discussion

James_Campbell's avatar
Jan 28, 2015

2006 Fleetwood Pace Arrow

Parked my motor home from trip, now it doesn't start, the utilitys batterys/ I replace, after checking the batterys, something is discharging the batterys.. Engine batterys and utility battery. please help. Can't even get the Generator to start. No clicks no nothing,
  • Looks same as your other post. Gotta disconnect batteries when you store the coach. House batts disconnect switch over the door works OK, but chassis battery needs to be physically disconnected to keep charge when not plugged in.
  • Are you sure the battery is down? I went through this type scenario to the tune of $525.00 only to find that the distribution relay, located on the radiator frame under the right front fender, contacts were dirty to the point of not making contact. This relay is powered directly from the battery and when energized distributes power to all of the critical areas of the chassis. Dirty contacts and you are dead in the water.
  • I am going put manual disconnects on house and chassis batteries. My coach disconnects don't work.
  • Radio on my PA is tricky to turn off. It seems to use a lot of energy. Make sure you turned off battery switches. Mine are over door.
  • Yes, jump start it or put a battery charger on it. If you only have one battery charger, put it on the starting batteries first. Even if you have nothing more than the standard parasitic draws, you should have a real battery disconnects installed on both sets of batteries. It is a little strange that both sets of batteries went dead.

    When I park my MH in different parts of the country, I always disconnect both banks of batteries. I've never had a problem, but I don't want to get out of an airport shuttle and find dead batteries some time. I leave a wrench and headlamp in the battery compartment so that it only takes a couple of minutes to reconnect them.

  • Choice 1: Jumpstart it from your car.

    Choice 2: remove the chassis battery, and take it somewhere that you can fully charge it with a battery charger.

    It's not unusual for batteries to go down when the coach is sitting, even for a week or two. You'll need to do some checking, but first you need to charge the chassis battery and get her fired up.