Forum Discussion

James_Campbell's avatar
Jan 29, 2015


all three battery discharged what short do I have? the 2 utility are new and have already discharged, the start batter is a year old please help??
  • Yeah, more details needed. Were you plugged in, on the generator, or have the engine running? Was it in storage? If so, did you push the battery isolation switches?

    Southwind systems are pretty much the same as Pace Arrow. The only time I clobbered all three batteries was the first time I used a cover when in storage and forgot to isolate the batteries.
  • I would investigate the ground connection at the batteries. When I first got my rig there was only one ground connection from both battery systems. I separated the grounds from each battery system and connected to frame with separate bolts.
    The converter needs to be checked.
    The alternator should charge both systems. The alternator connects to the coach batteries via a charge relay in the battery control center.
  • More detail would help.

    What happens when your connected to shore power? Did you notice the batteries slowly discharging or did you just lose power immediately? Have you had batteries tested (it's free at most places)?