Welcome Richhoward! Can tell you that we have replaced tvs in our MOHO. We bought our Tvs a little larger than the hole the old ones were stuck in. We put a sheet of plywood over the holes (stained to match our wood) Then just hung the tvs on that. Worked well and we got bigger TV's. Now those cigarette burn marks. We bought a 2008 Revolution that had those by the dining table. I grabbed a couple of Clorox wipes and rubbed the burn marks. the clorox lightened the stains so much that you have to be sitting right beside them and looking for them to notice them. I slid the blinds up and let them dry to help the shape. If they are really dark stains, do it a little and then later do some more. Don't try to do it all at once or you wlll have a hole in your blind. Good luck. And again, welcome!