Forum Discussion

rlhoge's avatar
Oct 05, 2015

2007 Sportscoach Elite Slideout Controllers

As the title states, we have a 2007 Elite with four slides. It's been great. However, the kitchen slide recently stopped retracting. It will extend, but won't come back in. We had the motor replaced, and still won't retract. The mechanic tested and says there aren't enough amps to retract as the slide is pulling more power when going in. We are looking for the controller circuits. We couldn't find them near the motor. I called Forest River's Coachmen support. they were very helpful...sortof. The sent me a diagram. It indicates the control circuits should be "up front" somewhere. But I still can't find the controllers. They are supposedly circuit chips on a circuit board, that are interchangeable. If I can find them, I can swap the living room slide chip with the kitchen chip and if the kitchen works, I can but a new chip cheaply. Can anyone please guide me. I would really appreciate any help. You can post on the forum or send me a private message. Thank you.


  • Sorry for the distortion. I thought it would be clearer. F16 and F21 are the slide controllers. Up front...dotted line. if you want a clearer copy, PM me and I'll email you one. thanks.
  • Well, after considerable research and contact with Forest River/Coachmen, I was able to find all the relays for all four slideouts. Thanks to Mel and his team at Forest River and Sean at Quality RV here in Colorado Springs. 10 of the relays are in the storage compartment behind the passenger dual wheels. The eight relays (four each) for the kitchen and livingroom slides are on the driver's side, in the second compartment back from the front.

    Since I had no responses, I presume that no one on this site has a 2007 Elite or no one cares where the relays are. No worries....I found them and I'm a happy camper...pun intended.
