RV's are WAY different than houses. Water, power, and waste all have to be managed. RV systems, used properly are fairly reliable. Used improperly, are easy to break (how do I know this???).
10 adults in an RV???? At least seven of them will know nothing about RV's. I'd would be shocked if you didn't blow thru your fresh water, fill or plug your black tank, draw down the batteries, and God knows what else in the first half day.
Even if the folks treated the Class C with the care it needs, the living space would be unpleasantly crowded, and, dangerously overloaded.
I find this question/situation out right alarming.
However, if you decide to proceed, you might get away with it if you camp in a RV park with full hookups so water and power are not an issue. Plan on putting lots of extra water in the black tank with every flush, and on dumping the black tank often.
I would highly recommend having several campers/passengers arrive in a separate vehicle so as NOT to over load the Class C.
And, I hope everybody is really close, because they are going to be really close.