Forum Discussion

Michigander's avatar
Jun 12, 2018

22.5 vs 19.5 tires

Help me out here. Our three previous coaches have had the 19.5. We are thinking of trading out of our current 2016 Winne Sunstar. We loved our 08' Sightseer 35J and that had 19.5 tires. We are looking at a 11' Sightseer 35J and it has 22.5 tires. Aside from being substantially more expensive to replace is the ride really that much better?

Other choices for the next coach are 2004 Holiday Rambler Vacationer 37PCT or a 1999 Holiday Rambler Imperial. Oddly the Imperial looks to have 15" tires and the Vacationer has 19.5.

Our 2011 Yukon XL has bigger tires than our 2000 Yukon XL did and the ride of the 2000 was much better so I must be missing something.
