D.E.Bishop wrote:
Over the years I have seen posts asking, when is it time to hang up the keys, well for this guy it is 82 years and 9 months. I suppose I could buy a "B" or "B +" and we could still do some traveling but it would only work for a year or two.
I think the old saying about a boat owners two happiest days are buying and selling but in this case, about 02:00 am, I woke and almost cried, the memories came flooding back from our first camping trip with a borrowed tent and Coleman stove with a 4yo and a 5yo, to our last trip up to OR in Sept. in the Winnie.
I'll miss it and miss all of you, at least we did it till we just couldn't do it anymore. No more Pendleton Shirts smelling like a campfire, no more kids and grandkids giving gooey S'more kisses, no more sunrises at "Q"
To quote Bob Hope, "Thanks for the Memories".
You have uncovered what those of us with sailboats and motorhomes know.
That two best days thing is a LIE.
A motorhome is more than just a house on a truck. A part of your life, it was home. Like sailing, you didn't just drive, you were in a perpetual participation in the travel.
I hope you have a pleasant life without the coach.
Matt_C - Sold the sailboat and wondering how soon for the coach