cm2785 wrote:
Hey guys I have a 96 Bounder 34j with 11k miles on a 97 F53 chassis.. well we just got back from a couple hour trip the other day and it seemed to run a bit hot but overall ran great. Now I am supposed to pull out again tomorrow for a short 20 minute trip and I just noticed a small puddle of coolant under the radiator and a few drops on the bottom radiator bracket.. cap looks dry, overflow tank is brand new, but before my trip we replaced the thermostat and coolant went everywhere, but I would assume after 3 hours driving it would all be evaporated by now.. anyway, I guess I need a radiator and I’m going to do the water pump at the same time, does anyone know what the best water pump and radiator for a 97 F53 i can get? Reading other threads I see some people get the wrong one and there are some with plastic tanks and some that are all metal. I definitely want the best. Hopefully I can find these tomorrow and get this done ASAP. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
First off, you don't say what type of radiator you presently have. Is it an aluminum one with plastic tanks or, is it an all metal (copper/brass) one? If it's a copper/brass one, it can most likely be repaired. If it's an aluminum one with plastic tanks, it most likely CANNOT be repaired.
The cooling ability for aluminum ones vs copper brass ones, is debatable. There are some that advocate aluminum ones cool better. Well, again, not real sure on that. Primarily because, I had the same issue as you did. Only mine is a diesel pusher. We purchased it back about 7 years ago with 40K on the clock.
About 6 months into ownership, I, like you, noticed a puddle under the radiator. Well, long story short. MY aluminum/plastic radiator was shot. So, rather than spending a whoppine $1,750.00 (not including shipping) from Freightliner, I picked up an identical dimentioned copper/brass one from a local radiator shop. It's been in there cooling properly for 6.5 years now and I couldn't be happier. Before you go spending a bunch of money, see what you have and, why it's leaking. It's been in there for how long and working just fine? Good luck.