The beeping can be annoying, Too bad you can not disable it (Ok so I can but you do not want to know how and I do not want to tell you, voids warranty).
Frankly.. Since as I tell folks the RV life style is about stopping to smell the roses. not burnemis upemis roademis (Getting there fast)... I tend to be one of the slower vehicles on the freeway.. THIS Does not, however, mean I never come up on someones' tail (Happens every traffic jam).
Oh, I invested a few bucks in a nice COBRA CB.. A while back it told me of an impending traffic jam.. I managed an EXIT just as they closed the companion entrance to the freeway.. I kind of feel sorry for the folks in front and behind me who did not have a CB and thus got stuck in the jam. (2 fatal crashes 3 miles ahead, it was already a 3 mile backup cause we saw it from the overpass). now that.. Was handy.