Just finished the installation of Quadra Manufacturing's Big Foot
Ford EZ Central Pump System on our Winnebago Aspect 23D Ford E450. Excellent system, great customer support, very pleased with the result. However, this was far from a "plug and play" modification on our chassis. It required considerable fabrication to allow this system to be installed on this particular coach. Nothing that cannot be handled by a good do-it-yourselfer with above average skills and tools. I have approximately 20 hours in the installation but, am very pleased with the result. Total cost of the system shipped to my door, $2483.80. Obviously, my labor is not included in this cost but, hey, that's part of the fun! First shakedown trip, 2500 mile tour into the Colorado Rockies-all worked flawless. Did we really need the levelers? Probably not on this coach I suspect but, do we really like being able to touch a button and be done with it, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!
A happy Big Foot Leveler Owner,