Forum Discussion

midnightsadie's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 30, 2015

additive for a diesel fuel

my rv is going to sit this winter would like to add some additive for water etc. whats best? only 40k on engine
  • ChooChooMan74 wrote:
    Use an Antigel and Antifungal treatment.

    My understanding of fungus or other things growing in the fuel tank is that it is a warm weather problem - that it shouldn't be a problem during winter storage in climates where it will be freezing???

  • Here in Texas, the bugs are always hungry, so a biocide is a must. Since the OP is in Ohio, I'll echo other people, and go for an anti-gel as well.

    Don't forget the generator. If it is LP gas, one doesn't need to worry, although it isn't unwise to change the oil and fog the generator. However, if the generator is diesel, it would be wise to allow the biocide and anti-gel run through the generator as well, so it is ready come spring as well as the vehicle's engine.
  • dsol is the only products I use in everything I own designed in a cold climate that actually works unlike any other product I've tried.

    doesn't freeze up nor contain alcohol like power service does. Lubricity cetane is superb highly concentrated additives
  • Add a BIOCIDE (Biobor JF is a popular one). From marine stores, and in our area Academy. If this is summer/fall grade fuel (#2 diesel) and temperatures will be going below freezing, add an ANTI-GEL. PS brand is available from most Walmarts.

    Then, fill tank full to minimize condensation and drive 25+ miles to get it all distributed. If diesel generator, make sure to run it as well (50% load).
  • Wynn's Friction Proofing. Keeps the fuel from gelling and helps with the lack of lubricity
  • Take it for a ride after you put the anti-gel in to let it get into the injectors and pump.
  • If you're going to let it set without starting (as you should) all winter then an anti-gelling additive is not needed. I use a product by Power Service that is for moisture removal and Anti-Algae additive.
  • Use Power Serve. There are three types, use the white bottle.
