Forum Discussion

Freightguy's avatar
Feb 14, 2017

American Coach, how the heck does this AC system work?

I have a 2009 American Tradition. I cannot for the life of me figure out how this cooling system works. I have 3 AC's with 3 zones. Zone 3 seems to work fine. Zone 1 & 2 are very confusing.

I am assuming zone 1 controls the AC unit closest to the cockpit, Zone 2 control the middle AC unit and zone 3 controls the rear unit.

With all 3 zones on cool, the AC's on zone 1 & 2 will turn on and off as I think they should but sometimes one of them will try to start and them it see,s to fail almost like the start capacitor is bad, but the next time it may start fine and run for how ever long it takes to cool the coach, then it may shut down and the fan will come on for about 5 seconds at full speed and then its shuts down completely. Both the front and middle AC units are doing this. I had a hard time telling which one was doing it as they are close together, so I just shut zone 2 off and left zone 1 and zone 3 on cool. I went on the roof and both the front and middle AC's are running.

These are coleman mach 8 AC with an Atwood thermostat. Any insight is appreciated.