Forum Discussion

TCBaxter's avatar
Aug 01, 2013

Another Slide Out Issue

I have a 2003 Fleetwood Pace Arrow with two slides. They are power gear operated. My issue is that the living area slide sporatically will not retract, as is the case now. I can get it to come in about two inches and then it stops. I have noticed a small amount of fluid under a tank behind the drivers side wheel. Is it possible it is low on fluid causing the issue and where do I re-fill? The right rear leveler does not retract all the way, could this be related?

OK, I just got the numbers off the pump and I really feel like a DA. The slide is electric so now what. As far as the levelers, there appears to be a leak at the drain hole so I can correct that. To refill will be a pain.

Still need advice on the slide if anyone can help.
  • Many times what you are experiencing is related to a poor ground in the electrical drive system.
  • I have checked for binding and don't notice anything that could be holding movement up. As far as the weight issue I did take out a few items just to check and that doesnot seem to help. Thanks for the input though.
  • So, after the slide comes in two inches and stops, does re-engaging the switch make it move more? If so, it may be operating normally (the motor shuts off when the current its pulling exceeds a set amount) and recycling the switch allows the motor to start from scratch again. If it doesn't move any more at all, you maybe have something binding, or you have too much weight in the storage bays on the slide.
  • I use to own an 03 Fleetwood Southwind and had an intermittent problem with the front slide. It took me a loooooooooooooong time, but I finally tracked the problem down. Behind the AC electrical panel in the bedroom. First off you have to remove some screws and remove the metal panel that holds the Circuit Breakers. Once you do that, behind it were to printed circuit boards that control the front and rear slides. Anyway, on mine, one of the electricl plugs going to the printed circuit panel was not tight. The locking tabs were broke, so I just put a tie warp around it and lightly snugged it down. End of problem.
  • I don't know what levelers you have but don't overfill them. They should be at a specific level for the warnings to work and retract properly. Now to the slide.