As I read these posts I saw myself in several different ways. I have been forced to virtually stop on the roadway of a freeway and on an interstate because folks won't let me over. In CA is unlawful to stop in a traffic lane for anything short of an emergency or totally disabled vehicle. Recently I was trying to change lanes to avoid several slow vehicle exiting and entering the freeway. I had pleanty of room but a guy two lanes over wanted to go faster than the 70 he was going. The lane I was moving into was wide open and I changed lanes, turned my signal off and reset the cruise. A guy in the lane to my left was stuck in his lane because I was there and he didn't have time and space to move right to pass. I passed the tie up on the right looked in my sideview mirror, signaled and started moving over into a clear space. You guessed it, Mr speed demon changed lanes to the right behind me and while I had the front right side of my rig in the lane to the right he decided to pass me on that side.
It was too late to change back to the left safely, it would have been an extreme avoidance maneuver and I felt unsafe. I continued my lane change and he whipped around me on the left, pulled in front of me and slammed on his brakes, not once but three times. We were now doing about 35 MPH and creating a hazard to others. He would have been several car lengths in front of me if he had not tried to illegally pass on my right after I started my turn.
Two things I learned, one is to be very careful of people who show aggressive driving and two and most important of either, I should have had my Dash Cam recording. If I had and had hit the dolt, I would have been in pretty good shape with my insurance company. There was no one in my lane for at least 100 yards.