Forum Discussion

SweetWaterSurpr's avatar
Sep 11, 2015

Are there any other 4X4 RV owners here?

We have a 4X4 Phoenix Cruiser. Although we do see some other 4X4 rigs out on the beach we don't see too many. Just wondering how many others are on here. If you do surf fish or go offroad and air down, how far down to you take your tire pressure?

  • Nice-looking rig! You really have 6 wheel drive, great for sand.

    I am on my second 4x4 RV. Been driving them since 1991. First was DRW, current one is SRW. Rarely to the beach, mostly desert and dirt roads. Have never aired down.

    A 4x4 RV is an RV with extra talents, but it is not a rock-crawler.
  • You can "sort of' camp there. You need a Surf Fishing permit that's $200 for the year state resident, or you need a weekend pass that's $50 for 3 days. If you surf fish till 4AM then you can stay in the sand overnight. If not then you need to leave the beach and most will just pull into one of the lots for the night.
  • Can you camp there? I have been looking to camp by the ocean in NJ, and couldn't find anything, so I worked my way down to Delaware. Heading back up that way next week.