I have a roadmaster dolly that I use because I have several cars that I tow that I don't want to outfit each, the dolly (used) cost half of what outfitting one of the cars would've been.
I load the dolly myself it's quite easy after you've practiced And know what the view is as you load it
The straps are easy to put on but if not tightend will work loose it's not a real problem as the car probably would never come off of there unless you really hit a big bump! But I check them ea stop . mine has a tilting bed , so I drive up on it , put in the pin to lock the bed tilt add the straps on car easy once you get the hang of it leave it in park with the steering wheels locked (the bed actually rotates with my model) and away I drive. 10 minutes tops if the dolly is already on the mh
I have a hitch on the back of my car ( bike rack) and if I need to move the dolly any place I can always use the car to do that.
4 down would be easier if I just had one car or a car that was capable of being towed 4 down , I don't, so this works well for me is it a hassle more than 4 down .. Sure a little but not a real big deal.