Love my Kar Kaddy. How many people write in here and ask about dolly brakes not working? What about tire problems from not tracking correctly. I bought mine used from a Marine, he dragged it from Ca. to Nc. no problems and that's with a full sized pick-up truck, riding not pulling. I've towed it from NC. to Ca. to Wa. to Tx. everywhere. With our front wheel drive car it doesn't register miles on the odometer, sweet. DW and I can push or pull it anywhere and it fits snuggly under the rear of the Motorhome, not completely but up to the wheels. I have done nothing to it but grease the fittings and add a little brake fluid every once in awhile. Hooking up is a breeze. I have no adaptors on the brake petal, no cables drilled thru the dash. I've dragged it 7000 miles and the tires still look new. Yeah, I like my Dolly. Rob