Looking at those pics in the link, if that LP tank was located in the rear & if it has exploded, there wouldnt be to much left of the rear of that coach body & you can see it is still standing at that point.
LP has some bad points & then there quite a lot of good, safety wise.
One thing about LP, those large RV tanks are heavy & thick made, so one could almost fall out of its mount onto the road & not explode.
One of the worst things that can happen in a fire with an LP tank, is if the fire is impending onto the top part of the tank, because that is the vapor area inside of the tank. When that area is super heated it will bleed off the built up pressure through the relief valve, but once the flame is high enough to start melting the tank, when it expands all it can & then burst open, that LP gas inside expands 73 times is normal state of frozen gas & will create what is called a blevy when the tank finely explodes.
I didnt spell Blevy right, but its been a while since I was a fireman & somethings I've forgot, but you can be sure if that RV tank had exploded, there would be RV part spread at least a 1/4 mile around afterwards.
In those pics, parts of the coach burned & then just fell down as they came apart.