Thanks again Drew+
I believe I may have misled you
When on shore power I also was running the refrigerator
At this point I disconnected shore power & checked my power monitor & it read 11.4 but as soon as I connected shore power the monitor read 12.1
Ichecked the voltage at each battery & came up with a reading of 6.1 volts at each battery Like you said I might be chasing ghosts & i hope thats the case
otherwise extremely difficult to get to selanoid which is buried other many heavy gage wires I can do whats nessary but sometimes I just compound the problem by headind in the wrong direction
By writing your comments & others I'm hoping I can pinpoint problem & then do whats nessary I am sure all my cables & connections are good & correct
I just don't know where to look for an open curcuit
Appreciate all the help you have provided
I could have a Mobile RV Repair Service come & look at it but I'm not sure they will have any more luck then me in finding the problem
If the voltage went from 11.4 right back to 12.1 does that indicate anything based on your knowledge????
If generator,vechicle alternator and shore power dont recharge house batteries does that indicate to you where the problem may be???