Forum Discussion

HavingProblems7's avatar
Apr 24, 2017

Batteries Not Charging

House batteries not charging when on shore power,generator running,vechicle running
Monitor panel indicate 12.2 Unable to charge
Checked output at converter 13.7
Recently new batteries
All connections solid all cables good shape
Checked each side of 50 amp breaker bottom of battery box
Each side 12.2
Shouldn't the voltage reading at this breaker read the same as output at converter?????13.7??????
does this indicate faulty circuit breaker since I did not get a reading of 13.7????
Or does the battery disconnect solenoid have anything to do with the 12.2 reading I got at the breaker
Not sure based on above if I should replace breaker or ?????
Please help
if you know based on above
  • Hi Drew
    Thanks for your comments
    Just disconnected shore power & monitor reads 11.4
    got a real problem
    Not sure where there could be an open circuit
    There is a toggle switch on generator which the switch I have not been able to locate yet
    Could this be an open circuit causing my problem
    Don't think so since switch is located somewhere on generator I would not think this was causing my problem but since you appear well versed on coach power I just thought I'd ask
    Plan again on trying to locate this toggle switch
  • You should have greater than 12.2V (or 12.5V) when on shore power with the batteries charging from the converter. The battery voltage and the converter voltage should be the same, excepting any (hopefully fairly negligible) voltage drop due to resistance in the wiring. 1.5V is not reasonable for wiring losses; it indicates an open circuit or at the least a high-resistance connection.

    Do you have 12V power when disconnected from shore power? I'm going to guess you do not. It would be the exact same problem, only with the current not flowing in the opposite direction.

    I assume you've verified that the monitor reading of 12.2V is a reasonably accurate representation of the actual voltage at the battery (by checking with another meter).
  • Thinking I may not even have a problem Worry Wart Me
    Turned on all 12 volt lites inc ref.
    Hooked to shore power
    Worked with computer
    monitor still reads 12.2
    Thought I should read 12.5 but maybe not
    Outside temp around 55
    Any comments
  • Always go simplest first. Check connections at the new batteries - are they tight on the posts. Were the connections cleaned before connecting to the batteries. Next switch on the battery disconnect switch and check to see if the 12 volt lights work. If not then push switch on and off several times and check again. Still not working, could be the switch. Next, with the engine running and disconnect switch on, check voltage at the house batteries with meter. voltage should be above 13 volts at the battery posts.
  • By recycle I meant to switch it off and on once? or twice. Probably it isn't the clearest or best term, but it is what is often used when talking of the computer software and hardware I deal with at work every day.

    To locate the break in the wiring, use your voltmeter or multimeter to check the voltage at the connections along the circuit between the converter and the battery. At some point you will see one measurement at the higher converter voltage and the next at the lower battery voltage, or vice-versa if you are going the other direction along the circuit. That shows where the connection is not good.

    If the problem is at the disconnect solenoid, you can bypass it by putting both heavy wire connections on the same stud. It is of course wise to make such a change with the converter off and the battery disconnected by removing a lead from it so that any accidental short to ground can't cause problems.
  • Rig type, brand, size and year sure helps.
    as simple as it sounds do you have the batteries turned on?

  • Thanks
    Not very bright when it comes to electricity
    What or how do I recycle the selanoid?????
    How do I isolate of locate the break between converter output & curcuit breaker
    Thanks for your help & patience
  • Replacing the breaker won't change anything if the voltage on both sides is the same.

    It sounds to me like the battery disconnect solenoid is in the disconnect state, or there's an open connection somewhere between the converter (and 12V panel, if they're co-located) and the battery. Check at the disconnect solenoid if cycling it doesn't restore function.

    Basically, somewhere between the converter output and the circuit breaker you'll find 13.7V on one side (from the converter) and 12.2V on the other side (from the battery), and that's where the break in the circuit is.