K Charles wrote:
The front slide the key has to be on and the park brake on. The bedroom slide just the parking brake.
O.K. I'll try that! I read online that slide outs or either operated by a solenoid or a fuse. Winnebagos are operated by fuses according to my Winnebago Manual, which I didn't know and the engine need not to be started to extend or retract the slide outs. My Winnebago Handbook says if the chassis battery is low on charge this can be a problem, which Doug Rainer refereed to! The Winnebago Hand Book also says one of the fuses maybe blown? Fuses are located on the interior firewall beneath the dash, beneath the instrument panel dash pod, and inside the leveling control pad housing (As Doug said to check). I'm going out now put the key on acc. parking brake on then see if the slide out switch will work to retract slide (after trickle charging the chassis battery it's reading 12 and my Kwikee steps just extended so I may have enough power to get things going?). If that doesn't work then I'll have to find those two fuses? Handbook also states if battery and fuses are not the problem to go to the hydraulic system or electrical system to look for a fault. Anyway, Thank You, Mr. Charles for getting back to me!