I don't like Flying "J" they have only pre-pay pumps I hate prepay as it is an inconvenience to me when I want to buy something in the store. I don't mind if they let me leave my CC but now they want an amount. Nope no thanks. I am not a mathematician and won't figure out what I need. and every flying "J" has that cash garbage. I wish the CC companies would do something as it is not fair to CC holders or debit card holders to pay more. Who keeps thousands of dollars in their pocket when traveling? That is another reason I love my gas rig I can get gasoline in many more places than diesel. When I drive my bus I look for smaller stations that have diesel and get it there. But yes I have traveled through Indy and it is a very very nice state and I loved living there but see that at a lot of stations. My favorite stations are the new Casey's that have diesel no pre-pay and friendly people.