"There are also worries that young, inexperienced drivers run into trouble when visiting neighboring states and forced to pump their own gas for the first time (that was an issue for the author of this story when he drove in Pennsylvania as a teenager)."
good lord. politicians. by the time a teenager in NJ or OR reaches driving age they have surely seen gas pumped into vehicles hundreds of times. it's not rocket science.
Well, it might not be rocket science, but you would be dumbstruck by how many adults(as in way past teenager status) from NJ haven't got a clue as to how to put fuel in their vehicle. I live about a half hour west of the border, in PA. I have lost track of how many times I have patiently assisted folks with Jersey plates, who are standing there, looking at the pump like it's some alien life forum. I would stop for coffee every morning at the local general store, and it wasn't uncommon to have one of the good ole' boys shout, " I got this one" as they got off their perch, and graciously headed outside to help a clueless visitor fill their tank.
Given our current crop of teens, who seem to spend every waking moment staring at a smart phone, I bet there are more than few from Jersey who couldn't successfully pump their own gas if you offered them a $1000 to do so, and wouldn't know a pump handle from a pick axe.