Forum Discussion

dittojed's avatar
Jun 13, 2013

Bigfoot hydraulic automatic Leveling Jacks - Class C

Looking to buy a Class C - Sunseeker Is it worth putting "Bigfoot Leveling Jacks" on this unit? For quick and easy setup. Some people say because of Ford Chassis frame isnt necesssary. Does anyone have them on their unit?
  • Just watch your weight. Some "C's" are close to max weight, and power levelers are not light weight.

  • Jim Shoe, I have jacks on my Ford E450 that go straight down and up with plenty of room. Who said Ford frames did not have room for straight operating jacks?
  • I had them installed on our Nexus 31P. Very happy with them and very easy to use. Makes set up fast and easy and eliminates rocking the boat.
  • We have it on our 2011 Sunseeker 28 footer, great system, I carry a bunch of 2 X 10 squares for uneven sites.
  • Had "Bigfoot" on our 2001 JAYCO Desinger (E-450) and it was the best toy I ever added. Wish I had them on the SENECA instead of "Power Gear". I heard that JAYCO is now using them on all the "C".s
  • I have a Fleetwood 'C' on a Ford Chassis. I have HWH kickdown levelers installed on mine. I was told that the straight acting levelers won't work because there's not enough room for them to retract straight up. Mine are semi-automatic. Push the "on" button and they swivel 90 degrees to the vertical position. Then just push the button next to the lighted indicator until it goes out, then the next one until all lights are out. They extend in pairs so the frame doesn't twist. Less than a minute and I'm level. Wouldn't be without them.
  • All my MH's have had Hyd Jacks.
    Would not own one with out.
    Unless you want to carry a ton of lumber.
  • Yes on a Jayco Melbourne. Had them installed a year ago. Makes leveling much easier. Due to the amount of clearance, there are times I have to use blocks to lift the unit enough but still much easier than repeated back and forth to drive on blocks. I do use a plastic cutting board under the pads especially in sandy soil. They have taken out the movement we could feel when the other walked around at night.

    Expensive but for us worth it. We have the individual system and can be fully automatic or manual.