Service calipers? I wonder, ford is famous for sticking calipers, Especially their old style ones which you have. (something about the material they made the piston out of, as I recall) Perhaps servicing them was not enough, and they froze up. Weird, they did not replace them, when they did the first job.
Little bit of, smell though not good, I don't think means, you have cooked the brakes. Smoke pouring out is another thing. I am suspicious of the calipers. ( and they will stick, unstick and then stick again) I would expect 25 to 40K out of a brake job)
Now I pretty much down shift to second, put on the 4 way flashers, and try and be as courteous as possible to let others pass. And even on the steepest passes that is usually only for a couple of miles..
Lastly, the shudder is probably due to a warped rotor, are brakes gone on both fronts? or just one side, if the later I would sure wonder about a stuck caliper.