RV particulars: Rexhall F-53 chassis
Driveline (Engine, Transmission): Ford 460, E40D transmission
Miles: 32,000
Year: 1994
Break Down Description: (2002) Engine stalled on warm day at St. Charles, MO
Symptoms: engine popping and backfiring, no power.
Effect: Engine hot and stalled - symptom was like vapor lock.
Outcome: Let engine cool. Engine then started and made it to RV park (Sundermier). Stayed a few days, checked all fluids, changed fuel filter on frame rail. Continued trip. Would run ok as long as we were at highway speeds. Would stall sometimes when pulling off to fuel. Managed to get home a week later after a stop in Wyoming. We had the thermostat changed there, but no help. I had ordered a full Banks system before leaving for trip. During subsequent installation, found radiator plastic tank seal broken. Replaced radiator. Also, several exhaust manifold bolts broken, causing excessive heat in the engine area. Probably causing vapor lock problems. Replaced one head with broken manifold flange, had all valves replaced on both heads, water pump, hoses, fan clutch, etc. Changed all fluids to synthetic, added B & M extra capacity transmission pan and transmission temperature gauge. No problems in 2003 traveling over 8500 miles. Preventative maintenance before 2004 trip: Replace in-tank fuel pump known for early failure.