Forum Discussion

LoveTwoCamp's avatar
Sep 23, 2018

Built in propane tanks

We were looking at an older (1996) class C. It has a built in propane tank. Are they dated like the portable tanks, and require testing at regular intervals?
  • I suspect that the motorhome you're looking at has fixed-mount cylinders, not ones that can be removed. IF so, then you have ASME cylinders, not DOT cylinders. ASME cylinders do not require recertification; DOT cylinders do. (That said, if your cylinder is in bad shape, then fillers can refuse to fill it.)

    Here's a bit more propane info for you:

  • What eubank said!

    I was told during one fillup my tank was questionable. I spent a few hours sanding and repainting my tank and inspecting it for deep rust. Fortunately, it was all surface rust.
  • NO........
    Permanently mount propane TANKS fall under the ASME/NFPA jurisdictions and do NOT have re-certification requirements
    Permanent mounted TANKS need to be replaced if heavily rusted/pitted or damaged due to accident/fire

    Portable propane CYLINDERS fall under DOT jurisdiction and do have re-certification requirements.
    OPD valves, Inspection/certification 12 yrs AFTER date of Mfg stamped on collar (10 yrs in some places....requirement was changed from 12 to 10 then rescinded for review but both 12/10 can apply)

    Two propane vessels but different
  • I had fill station refuse to fill one because the handle stem leaked if it was half opened.
    All the way open or closed it did not leak.
    I tightened up the nut on the handle stem sealing the stem and it didn't leak anymore!
    Got it filled.