noswad wrote:
Every so often the check engine light would come on and the tach would get real jumpy and I would loose power.
I'm fairly sure your coach is built on a Freightliner chassis. The symptoms may indicate water intrusion into circuits that originate in the VDC (vehicle data computer) and that drive the dash guages among other things. There are some relays in some of these circuits that can behave in a strange manner if water soaked (I've had a transmission problem caused by a wet relay.)
I suggest you call the Freightliner Help Desk 1 800 FTL HELP and have your last 6 digits of the coach VIN number available. This is a free service, and they really know their product.
You may also want to look at Freightliner SB 54-12 for info on how your instrument system works. See the link below:
Freightliner SB 54-12When you solve the problem, please post the solution as some of us may also encounter the same thing someday.