rgatijnet1 wrote:
The best coach for anyone is the one that suits their needs today. The type of fuel used is not that big of a deal. Actually getting out of the house and traveling is what it is all about. Having had tents, travel trailers, Class C and Class A coaches, as well as diesel and gas powered Class A's, I have found all of them have done exactly what I wanted them to do at that time of my life. I also have several thousand miles behind the wheel of a million dollar plus Prevost Liberty coach. It is unfortunate that many diesel owners want to degrade or attempt to look down upon gas coach owners when they themselves are driving a cheap imitation of a real DP like a Prevost or Marathon based coach. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all DP's are not equal, just like all gassers are not inferior to all DP's.
All RV's are better than sitting on your butt at home or spending your time driving a car from motel to motel in search of a comfortable bed without bedbugs. Of course you can always travel by air, miss everything in between destinations, and still have to deal with the bed issue. To each his own and enjoy what you have and don't belittle others for their choice. It only shows your own ignorance.
For me it boils down to the requirements of an individual RVing family. There are very high end gas class A rigs that are very well made and have great sound insulation and suspension upgrades. Typically these coaches max out at 26,000# GVWR and max out at 5,000# tow rating. Most have tow ratings of much less. If you need more than 5K tow rating you must get into a DP chassis.