Forum Discussion

93mastercraft's avatar
Jan 01, 2014

Class A storage shelter, barn or garage.

I will be starting to look into a storage shelter for our class A motor home. I like the metal shelters so I am starting the process of pricing them out. Does anyone have any recommendations for any storage shelter manufacturers, builders contractors? Obviously I will need someone who is in the NC area.

From what I have learned so far is that most of these companies span multiple states, for example in the South East. I have looked online at some companies and I have talked to a few owners of some shelters, but that was a while back. Any help is appreciated.
  • Here in AZ. it's $200.00 per month for covered storage! and $50.00 a month for outdoor. This pricing applies to most places. Good Luck on whatever you decide to do.
  • I've found Coast to Coast Carports are good quality, priced good and have a 20 year warranty

    We have three of them - fits our needs and makes a nice summer time RV home when we are not on the road

  • Checking online you will find several manufacturers that make metal buildings and metal roof structures. Once you find the building that you want, then you find a local contractor do handle the concrete slab and building erection. Most building manufacturers also have a list of contractors that they have worked with. I've done several of the metal warehouses and they are just like a big erector set. They are not that complicated but you do need a contractor that can follow blueprints EXACTLY because the building parts are pre-cut and cannot be easily modified.
    The slab must be level and must have a vapor barrier underneath it. Insulation would be nice but in your climate it is not that important. The building must be well ventilated.
  • If it was me, I would set down with a clean sheet of paper and write the specs of what I want in a building. I would look at a pole barn style and prefer wood construction as wood absorbs humidity and steel tends to sweat if your building is unheated.. Then I would contact 2 or 3 local contractors to one at a time come over, inspect the building area, and give me an estimate on erecting this building. If you have friends who have already had work done by them and are satisfied that would be a plus... Then decide from there..
  • So you build it yourself? Looks fairly simple to do. I've built some stick built barns, but never anything as high as 14 feet.
  • I have been going over this same issue for the past 6 months. After scouring the internet looking at dozens of different option from S&S to pole barn and metal building kits I've finally decided on a VersaTube garage on a concrete slab.

    The building will be 20' X 48" with a 14 H X 16 W sectional door plus a 3' walk in door. I'm also pulling 100 A power for the MH plus garage electrical circuits.

    Why the Versatube? Looks reasonably simple to assemble and, so far, the customer service has been great. No problem speaking with anyone in the company about various issue and the price is OK.

    A close second was a metal arch type building from American Steel Span which is actually about 3K cheaper but everything about the company triggers mental alarm bells. They may be cheaper but trying to pull detailed info is like taking to a used car salesman or a politician.

    One big problem I'm dealing with today is the recently discovered 60' setback requirement which may put the garage on top of my septic leach line. Hopefully this issue will be settled soon when the septic guy comes out to stake the leach lines. Fingers crossed I won't have to move the field.
  • have you looked into these Carports several in my area are using these and are well satisfied.

    I'm currently parking mine in my barn/shop but need the space for other things and when Funds allow plan on purchasing one .I don't think I could do it myself for their price.

    Other than site prep no labor on buyers part is involved
  • For my first class A I had a local contractor build a pole barn for me that was also wide enough for cars, tractors, or anything else needing storage. I currently own a storage condominium that is 16 x 42 feet with a 12 ft. high door. I liked the pole barn better as it had more room.
