Won't be easy unless you are willing to buy new and pay $8000-12000 extra for custom paint, or buy premium where paint is included in the price.
Graphics are the manufacturer's attempt to break up the visual boxiness of a big box, and we seem to have moved over the past 10 years from two-tones and linears to swoops and swirls.
Darker colors come with full body paint, that extra money again. There are hardly any made with dark colors in the plastics, manufacturers want as much solar reflectivity as they can get at lowest cost. Heat loads in sunlight are already pretty bad (mine will go over 90F inside, closed up in full sunlight on a 60F day, and is almost all white). Darker colors aggravate the solar heat load problem. While you may not have enough sunlight at home to worry about solar heat loads, youcould be travelling to places where this is a problem.
I've thought Dynamax had some fairly tasteful paint schemes, but I haven't seen them lately. I see BornFree and Phoenix Cruiser have moved toward swoopy and swirly lately.