Believe your rig is built on a Ford E-450 chassis which has a rear axle rated of 9600 lbs. As someone pointed out your rear axle is overloaded by 440 lbs. The 4 Michelin tires @ 2470 lbs each are more than the 9600 lbs of the rear axle.
What is the load on the front axle? Ford tells "body builders"
that for the E-450 chassis the front axle should carry at least 1/3 of the total vehicle weight. Many coach builders ignore this requirement. I have a 30 ft Class C on the E-450. When loaded for the road my front axle load is at least 400 lbs less than the Ford recommended value. The coach handles poorly; front end gets pushed to the right by every passing truck. Have already made many suspension mods but cannot correct the problem except by adding weight. Cannot shift existing load to do it. Many longer Class C coaches have this type of problem. They are usually "rear end heavy" due to an excessive rear overhang (distance behind the rear axle.)