Monaco is notorious for this. My front and rear caps started to flake first. I sanded and repainted them myself because it was above the marker lights and you couldn't really see it well enough to know that I did it at home. Then the sides started to get small blisters. I lightly sanded those and used the two part clear in a rattle can described above.
After doing all of this over about 2-3 years, it just got worse. The moral of the story....have the entire roof line (all four sides) sanded and professionally painted and clear coated and be done. My coach had dark brown on the front cap, tan on the rear and some green that rolled up over the top from the sides. To save money and to keep from trying to fade the new paint into the old, I created a natural break at the corner of the windshield and had them paint the entire roof line tan, the color I had on the lower part of the coach. This made for a cooler roof and less chance that a dark colored paint would go bad again. The cost was $3000.00. That's a fair amount of money, but the coach looked like new again and I wish I hadn't wasted all that time doing the initial band aid repairs.