PDDGM wrote:
We are utilizing a splitter right now, using the parks limited cable to access local channels so the wife can watch her shows, our antenna is non-digital and I still have to figure which coax is from the antenna.
Unless you ask a marketing professional or salesperson, there is no such thing as a "digital" antenna. The digital and analog TV signals use the same bandwidth, so as long as your antenna is hooked up to a TV with a digital tuner you should be able to get a signal.
The one caveat is signal strength. Weak analog signals give you increasing amounts of snow and static in your picture. A digital signal either has enough information to produce a picture or it doesn't. You can't just adjust the antenna using dead reckoning until the picture is clear like you did in the old days. Go to
www.antennaweb.org and input your location, and you'll know what compass heading to point your antenna toward for maximum signal strength. Good luck!