Executive wrote:
California, with all it's idiot laws and non-laws, actually has one of the best definitions. Your vehicle, whether towing a trailer or car or whatever, must be able to stop within a specified distance at a specified speed. If it does not, you're in violation. That's paraphrased, of course. For you purists, refer to California Vehicle Code 25454 (a). Slowly, California is trying to make sense of some of their laws. i.e. They're slowly changing all their towing restrictive speed signs to simply read, "All vehicles while towing" 55MPH...which leaves very little to interpretation.....Dennis
That is exactly right and which is why I gave one of the laws in Washington State, that is also mentioned in several other States, that you have to be able to stop your RV, while towing, in less than 40 feet at 20 MPH.
Good intent and all of that, BUT, and this is the huge BUT, can you imagine any law enforcement officer, in any situation, asking you to demonstrate that your can stop your RV in less than 40 feet at 20 MPH??? :B