Forum Discussion

Dixie_Flyer's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 14, 2015

Door entry code reset

I have a new to us 2007 Foretravel Nimbus that has a door entry system that is coded. No one could tell me the code when purchased but was told the hand held remotes would be all that I need. I would still like to know the code or how to reset it, any suggestions?
  • That said, there's several keypads that were used. Mine has a reset button but yours may be different. Trimark changed their keypads in 2006. Is yours separate from the handle or incorporated into the acrylic handle? Later versions require you to ground the keypad, the others have a button. Until YOU tell US what you have, we can't help you...if you don't know, post a picture....Dennis

    Posting a pix
  • First, I would guess that the Foretravel factory could provide you the code. That is a very high end coach and everything on it is recorded during the build and those types of numbers are maintained by Foretravel.

    Second, the code is often written on the control unit. Start clicking your remotes and listen for the controller. On the two DP's I've had, the controllers have been under the dash, near the steering wheel.

    Lastly, on my current coach, the instruction manual had the MASTER code number written inside.
  • It depends on the maker of the system.

    I have the Trimark keyless entry with keypad at the door. You may have the same system. If you do, they have a good support system with manuals online. I just reset mine a while back when I replaced the keypad/handle.

    Trimark Support