Forum Discussion

Tom_Barb's avatar
Jun 30, 2018

Dummy left his lights on all day.

Drove the coach from before day light until after sun up. Then got busy parking and setting up, and forgot to turn the head lights off. 12 hours later coach battery dead as it could be.
Did a boosted start, for the gen/set, but had to hold the boosted switch until the Gen/set charged the coach battery enough to support life of the generator..
1 hour later we are back to normal, engine started, and we continued the trip.
Thank God for the ability to do a boosted start.
  • hotjag1 wrote:
    I'm pretty sure OP is correct in his description of driving until after the sun came up. That is why he didn't notice that his headlights were on.
    "Drove the coach from before day light until after sun up."

    Ok, perhaps 'before day light' is way earlier than I assumed.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    On my coach the Generator starts on HOUSE. If I run HOUSE way down I have to hold BOOST only till the ATS.. Auto Transfers. Then the converter provided 12vdc to the fuel pump.

    I once left the headlights on and the Isolator failed to isolate. Thankfully I had a small battery (Garden tractor size) wich was able to jump the Generator and did as the OP did after that.. Kept it (Generator) on till I got to CG with Power (17 miles).
  • I'm pretty sure OP is correct in his description of driving until after the sun came up. That is why he didn't notice that his headlights were on.
  • I assume you meant you drove until after sun down. Maybe you were exhausted from driving too much ??
  • Yep, been there, done that. Now I make sure every vehicle I buy has a lights on alarm. If it doesn't, I add one...
  • I'll let DH know there are others who also do dumb things. Now he won't feel so alone. :B
  • Look at the bright side. It's the first dumb thing you've done since you started RVing. :W
  • You also forgot to mention whether or not you slapped yourself in the forehead...:B....Dennis