Forum Discussion

steveandjil's avatar
Sep 30, 2014

dumping tanks in Winnebago view

Dear All,

We are considering a downsize from a 5er to the Winnebago view. From what I saw at a dealer, there is only one valve for both grey and black tanks. Black doesn't seem to flow unless macerator engaged. My question - if I am correct in this configuration, how does one dump black then grey to wash sewer hose?

  • Dakzuki wrote:
    The holding tank drain configuration on the View/Navion depends on the model/year. Mine has two 3 inch valves and is all gravity (no pump) but your results may very.

    On my 2015 24V the grey holding tank has the macerator pump to pump the grey to the front 3" drain valve. I could have installed a 3" drain on our grey in the rear if I had wanted to as the hole coming out of the grey tank is a 3" then reduced to a 1 1/2" line that runs to the macerator pump. Like I stated I just did mine a little different and decided to use the 1 1/2" to a hose. Then all I have to do is use my hose that I use to rinse my black tank to drain the grey.
  • LOL! Thanks. After discussion privately with the other poster, it seems they went to a pump on the grey tank (when usually a macerator is used on the black) to help out gravity in the newer models.

  • The holding tank drain configuration on the View/Navion depends on the model/year. Mine has two 3 inch valves and is all gravity (no pump) but your results may very.
  • Butch, thanks - that was immensely helpful. I am going to pm you so I make sure I understand.

  • This is really long so I hope this helps out. I know it is more than you asked for but here it is.

    I wrote up a big explanation and then by just hitting one key I lost it all. So this time I’m doing it in Word and then copy and paste it.

    I have a 2015 View Profile and there is a 1 ½” valve, it is right below the rear cabinet where the fresh tank and low point drains are located. Take a look below that compartment.

    I have done a little plumbing on my rig. Normally in order to use the grey water to clean out the lines after draining the black tank you open the 1 ½” drain and turn on the macerator pump and pump it through and it comes out the 3” drain.

    Now what I have done is where the 1 ½” is located just after the valve towards the macerator pump there is a clean out. I took the clean out plug out and installed a 1 ¼” to ¾” reducer. Yes I said 1 ¼” as they put a reducer into the drain so it is not a 1 ½”. Then into the ¾” side I installed a gate valve with a hose cap on the end. Then I bought a rubber donut that fits into a sewer drain and another piece that fits into the donut that accepts a hose. Now I can take the hose that I use to rinse my black tank (oh I also installed a black tank flush on my black tank) and hook it onto the gate valve and hook it to the donut in the sewer and open the gate valve and open it and drain my grey tank without using the macerator pump.
    There is another plus for doing this as they call for 2 gallons of anti freeze to be put into the grey tank via the sink drain. With the gate valve install this allows me to hook a short section on hose onto the valve and then put it into a jug of anti freeze and turn on the macerator pump and suck it through till it comes out the 3” drain. The shut the gate valve and let the excise anti freeze that is in the line to settle back down to the 1 ½” valve. Open the valve and this lets some flow into this area also.

    One thing I found out is the drain from the bathroom vanity drains into the black tank also. The shower and kitchen sink drain into the grey tank. At first I didn’t like this idea but then it makes sense. The black tank always lasts longer than the grey so this puts a little more water into the black and it also makes sure that there is plenty of water in the black tank.

    I hope this is not to long of an explanation and that it helps you and any other that have this model. I did a lot of crawling around under the rig to figure this out.
  • I found the following:

    When I was dumping the View Profile’s holding tanks during the post-test cleanup, I discovered that the process is a bit more involved than that of other motorhomes. This unit uses a pump to transfer the gray water to the main drain hose. The gray tank drain valve handle is located under the rear cap in the left rear corner. After dumping the black tank and closing that valve, you pull the gray tank valve and then operate the pump switch in the water center compartment until the tank is drained. According to company officials, the advantage of this system is that it allows for a single drain hose connection.
