I use small Patton space heaters that can be purchased at Walmart. They have a thermostat and a tip over cutoff. They sell for around $15. These are powerful little heaters and you should only need one of them. I use one of them in my travel trailer. I live in a rural area south of Dallas and my house uses propane for heat. This can get very expensive. Three years ago, I thought I would try using these space heaters in my house. I only need two of these to heat my whole house. I have not turned on my central heat now for the last three years. At night, I turn the one in the living room off and only use one in the bedroom. In the morning, I turn on the one in the living room and within 10 minutes it is very warm. My house is open concept where the living room,dining room and kitchen are all one open space. Try one of these Patton heaters. They are really fantastic and last for years.