I would go to CW when they have new switch installed, have them demonstrate starting generator to get power and using external 110vac power with shore cable. Then make sure all the 110vac appliances, including furnace and roof air conditioner are working. (Fridge will need to run overnite for cooling). Note that some apppliances need both 12 volt DC power for automatic controls and 110vac or propane power to operate. This includes your furnace. This means that your house battery(s) must be good and properly charged and that your 110vac powered converter box must keep the house batteries charged when you are plugged into 110vac power or getting power from your generator. Get a simple plug-in AC power monitor and plug it into an outlet. You can tell at a glance if you are getting 110vac power and if line voltage is high enough to run roof AC, microwave, etc. Low line voltage can damage roof AC unit. Buy a simple voltmeter and learn how to use it to check house battery voltage. Learn how to maintain battery electrolyte levels with distilled water and periodically clean battery connections. You have to learn how to do basic checks and maintenance yourself, don't rely on others.