rasuth wrote:
I have a 2001 HR Ambassador. The Evans Tempcon P/N on the molded plastic evaporator housing is the same as referenced, and also has cracks. I was able to find a couple of PDFs of a service and trading manual (the web link doesn’t have much other than a knowledge base with little knowledge). The Newmar training pdf has a schematic of a typical pusher install wth a vacuum pump and reservoir (troubleshooting guide points to this), but my install has a box with the 12= supply, the vacuum line to the reservoir and a red polyethylene line going to the back. Is there an option to get vacuum from the diesel? I didn’t think that worked with a turbocharged diesel. Anybody know?
Here is the way I understand our air cond .
Monaco used dash air from the autos industry .
These air conditioners used vacuum to control system .
You are right that diesels don't generate vacuum like gasoline
engines so we have to generate our own vacuum
They did this by 2 different ways , one is a box looking device
that has a ventura inside where air is passed through to generate
vacuum . More recently they use a 12volt vacuum pump , borrowed from
auto industry , Ford I think .
Mine is mounted above the generator on the firewall .