Ok let me put it simple.. You are confused.
OUTLETS are always FEMALE, this is so the hot wires are enclosed in insulating material.
INLETS (And plugs) are always MALE
i'm guessing you have one of two INLETS.. Most likely a Marinco 30 amp inlet, This is a version of twist lock
Optional is a 30 amp NEMA twist lock.
One way to tell an inlet from an outlet.. IF you can touch bare metal that carries power, THAT is an INLET, not an OUTLET.
You will find Marinco 30 amp INLETS on the page at this link:
Marinco(I am having a problem with graphics on that page)
The next link is an example of a 30 amp twist lock INLET
Hubbbel inletAnd finally the TT-30 link
Cooper Industries[/yrl]
Alas, I am having issues so i could not view the Cooper page I hope there is a photo there.. But then the extension cord at Wal*mart had those so you know what they look like.