Forum Discussion

jtad's avatar
Apr 28, 2015

Few question about my Holiday Ramber

We just bought a 2004 Holiday Rambler Endeavor. I have a couple of questions about switches on the dash. There is one to high idle the motor, is there some special sequence you have to go through to make this work? Also on my air dump, the only way I can get this to work is with the key on.. So I have to shut off the motor then turn the key back to the on poss, then press and hold the dump switch. Is that correct? And one last thing.. The 12 volt disconnect switch doesn't disconnect Once you flip the batt switch on the outside of the coach I have 12V power inside. You can flip the 12V disconnect on and off, makes no difference. I am sure I will come up with something else, but thanks in advance with this.. John
  • My Safari is probably pretty close in layout to yours. Start up (when cold), wait for oil pressure guage to come up, touch cruise control switch once to on position, then I touch the + switch one time up. I then wait just a few if any seconds and idle comes up to about 12-1500 rpm until I touch brake or tap cruise control switch off...(Dennis is right)
  • On the high idle switch the is a + and a -. If you push on the plus side it only changes a little bit..... Just keep pushing button on the + side and it will go up a few hundred rpms. Don't hold the button down..... Just push and release several times.
  • Thanks for the replys.. On the high idle I do not have a smart wheel. I have a inc/dec switch on the dash.. I have tried it with the cruise on, off. tried to increase the idle with the cruise switch and
    the inc/dec switch nothing happens.. I will investigate more..
  • Dennis answered your questions, but to elaborate on the air dump, what many of us do is place a pencil sized object under the switch and then pump the brakes. That will dump your air rapidly.
  • 1. High idle. Do you have a "smart wheel"..? Cruise control must be ON. Flip switch, use set and resume to increase or decrease idle.

    2. Dumping air. If the engine is running, air is being replenished into the system, so dumping while refilling would be counterproductive. Yes, the engine must be off and key on to dump the air.

    3. 12VDC disconnect switch. Are you referring to the salesman switch by the door? Most of us have bypassed that switch as it can be inadvertently bumped going out of or into the coach. Yours most likely has been bypassed also....Dennis